Thursday, October 06, 2005

The Blackpool Grand Prix

The Conservative Party annual conference has come to an end. We had a chance to hear all the five leadership contenders speak, and my! how things have changed. David Cameron delivered the most inspiring speech of them all, and apparently is now favourite with some bookies to win. David Davis, erstwhile favourite, gave a lacklustre performance. I had expected this, anyway, as public speaking is not one of his strong points. Kenneth Clarke did well, and I don't feel so hostile to his candidacy anymore. Liam Fox did better than expected, and may well supplant David Davis as the candidate of the right. Malcolm Rifkind got the loudest ovation, probably because his speech reminded the Tory activists of the good old days of government. There is definitely a buzz in the air as the MPs return to Westminster to begin the first round of voting. Momentum is building, and the excitement is palpable. Blackpool has fired the starter gun, and now, as the great Murray Walker used to exclaim, it's go, go, go!
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